DNA Project
Hosted by Family Tree DNA
The Pringle Y-DNA Project was formerly hosted by DNA Heritage and is now hosted by Family Tree DNA. As of June 2013, a total of 41 male Pringles have been tested, and three distinct branches of the family have been traced.
DNA Projects create opportunities for people to work with others to explore their common genetic heritage. For an understanding of DNA go to:
The Pringle (or Hoppringill) surname is one of the oldest in the Scottish borders. It dates back to the reign of Alexander III in the mid-13th century. The surname is derived from a round hill in the Parish of Stow.
A DNA Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. Since surnames are passed down from father to son like the Y-chromosome, this test is for males taking a Y-DNA test. Females who would like to check their direct paternal line can have a male relative with this surname order a Y-DNA test.
The Pringle Y-DNA Surname Project is primarily for all who wish to work together to find their common heritage through DNA testing and sharing of information. To join the Pringle Y-DNA Surname Project go to:
Type in Pringle where it says ‘Search your last name’ and you will find the page for the Pringle Surname Project.
The Pringle Y-DNA Surname Project was originally hosted by DNA Heritage whose domain and database was acquired by Family Tree DNA in April 2011. Former DNA Heritage participants can transfer their results to Family Tree via the DNA Heritage Family Tree DNA Homepage where you should enter your customer and sample numbers:
For a reminder of your customer and sample numbers contact the Project Administrator. The Y-DNA conversion is free and database matching is at the Y-DNA25 level. For more information on transferring your results click on DNA Heritage FAQ on the above homepage.
An analysis of the DNA Heritage test results is available via the link below. Personal details have been removed from the analysis leaving the customer codes for reference.
Pringle DNA Surname Project Analysis of Results as at 01.02.2011
DNA Project Update 2016:
To date, 61 men have joined our Y-DNA Surname Project.
- Of these, 39 men are shown to be related by varying degrees of closeness. Of these related men 22 do not have the surname Pringle or variants (Prindle, Pring, Pringe) or did not provide their names.
- Of the 22 unrelated men, 15 have the Pringle or variant names, probably because of a past adoption or illegitimacy, or an ancestor taking his wife’s Pringle surname for some reason. The remaining seven unrelated men had different surnames or did not provide their names.
Deep ancestry research shows that the ethnic origin of the Pringles is R1b-S21 Germanic (also known as R1b-U106). This proves that the Pringles are descended from the Northumbrian Angles and not from Vikings, Normans, Gaelic Scots, Caledonian Picts, Britons or any other ethnic group. This corroborates Alexander Pringle’s opinion that all three syllables of the surname ‘Hop-ring-hill’ are all from ‘Old English’ and not from any other language. Also historically, from the 7th century the Lothians and Borders were conquered by the Northumbrian Angles and made part of the Kingdom of Bernicia. Until Malcolm II, King of Scots conquered all of the land north of the Tweed in the 10th century . This is similar to the result of the Cockburn DNA Project (a Berwickshire Clan).
DNA Project Update 2018:
The Pringle Y-DNA Surname Project started in 2009 with DNA Heritage and Sir Norman Murray Pringle as the Project Administrator. In 2011 DNA Heritage was sold to Family Tree DNA and run under its associated company World Families until November 2017 when Gail Riddell was made volunteer Administrator under Family Tree DNA.
To date, 20 men were tested under DNA Heritage and 49 men have joined our Y-DNA Surname Project under Family Tree DNA. The results show that there are four branches to the family, the most numerous being the Pringles of Stichill.
To join visit: www.familytreedna.co.uk or www.familytreedna.com/groups/pringle.
Update 2020:
The Lord Lyon has now recognized Sir Murray Pringle of that Ilk and Stichill as our clan chief, so our search for a chief is now over. However our DNA Project will continue so that Pringle males around the world can compare their Y-chromosomes and see if they have genuine Pringle DNA.
For further updates see:
Scotland’s genetic map reveals the country’s natives live in the same ‘Dark Age kingdoms’ created by their ancestors ten centuries ago
Scotland’s genetic map reveals natives stay in the same regions for centuries | Daily Mail Online