Pringles in Australasia
Pringles in Australasia
Promoting the Clan Pringle in New Zealand
Dave Pringle, of Christchurch, New Zealand, did a mailing to 120 Pringle families, encouraging them to become involved with the Clan Pringle Association. He wrote;
“Greetings to NZ Pringles,
I joined CPA five years ago and at present am the only New Zealander listed as a member. Hopefully, this will change so I am appealing to NZ Pringles to join me as members of CPA to support Clan Pringle projects in Scotland and become a recognized NZ part of Clan Pringle with regular contacts through email, text, social media and maybe even live local gatherings.
These things may happen slowly but should be definite goals so that an enjoyable heritage dimension can grow among those with the surname “PRINGLE”.
I would enjoy replies to this message so that the above ideas can be discussed….
My family ancestor William Pringle arrived with wife Elizabeth and family at Port Chalmers on the “TIMARU” in Oct. 1879.”
Dave also had CPA represented at Highland Games/Shows. In 2017 he and son Rodger visited the Scottish Borders and in 2018 David and his wife Melva attended the North American Pringle Association meeting in Niagara Falls with their daughter Julie.
Pringles in New Zealand who wish to join in, may email Dave Pringle at:

For more information, see our lates Newsletter.