Pringle Heraldic Seals
Pringle Heraldic Seals

From- Records of the Pringles of the Scottish Border, by Alex Pringle.
Elias de Hoppringill (c. 1296) Seal described as “Oval, a hunting horn. S. [Sigillum] Helias de Hopprigkill.” (page 4) – Calendar of Documents, page 205 and seal page 544.David Hoppringill of Pilmuir and Smailholm (1445) Seal showing: On a bend 3 escallop shells, and the legend, ‘S. David De Hoppryngille’. (page 97) – Laing’s Scottish Seals.Archibald Hoppringill, second son of that ilk (1461) Seal described as: On a bend two escallops, legend, ‘S. Archibaldi de Pringil’. (page 10) – MacDonald’s Scottish Seals.James Hoppringill of Tynnes and Buckholm [actually James Pringle in Newbattle] (1530) Seal described as: On a bend 3 escallops with a stags head couped in chief; legend, ‘S. Jacobi Hoppringill’. (page 34) – MacDonald’s Scottish Seals.James Hoppringill in Newbattle, son of Alexander Hoppringill of that ilk (1549) “S. Jacobi Hoppringill,” showing three escallops on a bend. (page 286) – Laing’s Scottish Seals.John Hoppringill of Smailholm and Pilmuir (1537) Seal described as: On a bend engrailed 3 escalops, foliage at the top and sides of the shield, diameter 1 1/4 inch.’ (page 106) – Laing’s Scottish Seals, 827.Thomas Hoppringill of that Ilk and Torsonce (1555) Seal described as: On the shield a bend charged with 3 escallops, legend round the circumference ‘S. Thome Hoppryngill’. (page 16) – Cosmo Innes Transcripts.Janet Hoppringill, Prioress of Coldstream (1559) Legend of the seal: S. Jonete Hoppringil prioress de Calstreme. (page 61) – Register House Charters.Archibald Hoppringill of Torquhan and Plenploth, brother of Thomas Hoppringill of that Ilk (1565) Seal described as: On a bend sinister 3 escallops with a star in sinister base, with the legend – ‘S. Archibaldi Hoppringill.’ (page 77) – MacDonald’s Scottish Seals.
Pringle Seals from:
By Henry Laing, Edinburgh, 1850.
Page 112:PRINGLE, MARION, Wife of W. Riddel.On a bend sinister, three escallop shells.“S’ Marion Hoppringil.” – Appended to Charter by Walter Riddel of Riddel to Andrew Riddel, his son, and Agnes Ramsey, his spouse, daughter of G. Ramsey of Dalhousie, 6th February, A.D. 1566. – Dalhousie Charters.Page 226:PRINGLE, DAVID.On a bend engrailed three escallop shells.“S’ David de Hopp[ring]ille.” – Appended to Charter by David de Hoppryngil of the fourth part of the Lands of Blawnce, in the constabulary of Haddington, to Alice Hay, relict of Sir William Hay of Yester, 20th March 1445. – Tweeddale Charters.
By Henry Laing, Edinburgh, 1866.
Page 136:PRINGLE, JAMES.On a bend, three escallop-shells.“S’ Jacobi Hoppringell.” – Appended to Precept of Sasine in favour of John Bellenden, of the lands of Romano Grange, in the lordship of Newbattle, co. Peebles, 11th December 1549. Principal Campbell, Aberdeen.PRINGLE, JOHN, of SMAILHOLM.On a bend engrailed, three escallop-shells; foliage at the top and sides of the shield.“S’ Johannis Hoppringil de Smalhame.” – Appended to Indenture between James Heriot of Trabrune and John Pringle of Smailholm, 3d May 1537. – Alexander Pringle of Whytbank, Esq. [See picture below]Page 234:Detached Seals:PRINGLE, HELIAS.Oval shape. A hunting-horn. “S’ Helias de Hopriegil.”

Pringle Seals from:
by William Rae McDonald, Carrick Pursuivant. Edinburgh, 1904
Page 279:PRINGLE, David (Haddingtonshire). On a bend engrailed three escallops. Legend (Goth. Caps.): S’ David De Hopp[ring]ille. Diam. 1 1/8 in. Tweeddale Ch. 20 Mar. 1445/6, Laing, i 1239, B.M 16392.PRINGLE, Archibald. On a bend three escallops. Legend (Goth. l.c.): Archibaldi de Pringill. Diam. in. Reg. Ho. Ch. 30 Apr. 1461, two of same date.PRINGLE, James. On a bend three escallops with a stag head couped in sinister chief. Legend (Goth. l.c.): S. iacobi hoppringill. Diam. 1 5/10 in. Lothian Ch. 16 May 1530.PRINGLE, John of Smailholm. On a bend engrailed three escallops. Legend (Caps.): S’ Iohannis Hoppringil De Smalhame. Diam. 1 1/4 in. Ch. 3 May 1537 per Alex. Pringle of Whytbank, Laing, ii. 827, fig., B.M. 16393.PRINGLE, James. On a bend three escallops. Legend: s’ Iacobi Hoppringell. Diam. in. Ch. 11 Dec. 1549 per Principal Campbell of Aberdeen, Laing, ii. 826.Page 280:PRINGLE, Archibald, in Plenploth. On a bend sinister three escallops with a star in sinister base (probably reversed in cutting). Legend (Caps.): S Archibaldi Hoppringil. Diam. in. Reg. Ho. Ch. 4 Apr. 1565.PRINGLE, Marion, wife of Walter Riddel of Riddel. On a bend sinister three escallops (probably reversed in cutting). Legend (Caps.): S Marion Hoppringill. Diam. 1 3/8 in. Dalhousie Ch. 6 Feb. 1566/7, Laing, i. 676, B.M. 16394.